Find out how to start an Energy Local Club
Energy Local is transforming the electricity market for communities and small-scale renewable generators. Our mission is to help communities get more value from small-scale renewable generation by using the electricity locally.
How? Energy Local has designed a means for local people to benefit from local energy through Energy Local Clubs. This enables households to club together and show they are using local, clean power when it is generated. They agree upon a better price for local generators and reduce their bills. It reflects local renewables’ true value and keeps more money local.
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What can you do?
We're expanding Energy Local Clubs across the UK – this could make thousands more clean power schemes possible, create green jobs, tackle fuel poverty, and lower carbon emissions.
Find out about Energy Local Clubs that are operating or being set up on our Clubs page. You can see if a Club is active in your area, register your interest and keep up to date with developments. If you're interested in developing an Energy Local Club with your community, join one of our Intro Calls to find out more.
If you've already attended an Intro Call and want to delve deeper, or are ready to receive a proposal for setting up a Club please join one of our Further Info Calls.
Go to Clubs Join an Intro/Further Info CallRegister your interest
Current members have access to a Consumer Access Device which allows them to view their own household data in the dashboard. Find out more and if you have one, set yours up to get the best out of your Energy Local membership.
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